Kaikoura, New Zealand - -The home of the Blue Borage Honey

Driving along the East coast of New Zealand’s South Island, we stopped at the small town of Kaikoura, an absolute gem!

Located in a stunning setting on the shores of the Pacific ocean and surrounded by the 6000ft, snow capped, Kaikoura Range, the town is a tourist magnet. Whale watching tours, swimming with dolphins and seals and albatross viewing, are a few of its amazing attractions.

But the magnificent Kaikoura mountains and valleys are also home to the Blue Borage (Vipers Bugloss), a tall blue wild flower which covers the remote mountains and riverside valleys between December and March.

The delicious Blue Borage honey became one of our favorite honeys during our trip. Our three favorite Blue Borgage honeys were:

  • The Herbal Borage (250 gr. Jar) – made by the small, family owned Sheehan Apiarries from Leeston. The Herbal Borage is a wonderful creamed (whipped) honey, aromatic and cool on the tongue, with fantastic texture;
  • The Organic Blue Borage (250 gr. and 500 gr. Jars) – made by Mountainhoney Kaikoura Ltd. (www.mountainhoney.com). This honey is thick, golden, bright clear and lightly sweet. Excellent honey;
  • The Vipers Bugloss Organic Honey (160 gr. Jar) – made by J. FRIEND and Co. from Christchurch, (www.nzartisanhoney.co.nz) is a truly artisan honey. It has a rich, buttery color with a distinct vanilla taste. It is a wonderful delicate honey, absolutely delicious.

Blue Borage Flowers and Hives

If you can’t make the trip to Kaikoura, at least make sure, you enjoy the Blue Borage honey at your home!