Beekeeping Associations in Italy

Beekeeping associations in Italy.
Note: All websites shown are translated to English from Italian via Google Translate

Italian Federation of Beekeepers (Federazione Apicoltori Italiani)
National Union of Italian Beekeepers Associations (Unione Nazionale Associazioni Apicoltori Italiani – UNAAPI)
Beekeeping Online (Apicoltura Online)
Consortium of Italian Organic Beekeepers and Farmers – Agricultural Cooperative Society (Consorzio Apicoltori ed Agricoltori Biologici Italiani – Società Cooperativa Agricola – CONAPI)
Agrisani Beekeeping

Piedmont – Honey Producers Association of Piedmont (Associazione Produttori Miele Piemonte)

12 comments to Beekeeping Associations

  • I am a tropical Bee keeper in Mount Cameroon Area and will like to exchange bee keeping ideas with that of yours with European climate.

  • Hi Francis:

    One excellent place to do interact with other beekeepers is Beesource. If you are interested in totally additive-free beekeeping, try this Yahoo Group Organic Beekeepers.


  • Santapan Barua

    Esperto apicoltore cerca lavoro (tempo pieno)

    Sono un apicoltore professionale esperto. Ho lavorato in questo settore per 24 anni (entrambi con Apis cerana e Mellifera) con molte organizzazioni nazionali e internazionali in Europa e in Asia. Sto cercando un lavoro in apicoltura con organizzazioni o aziende apistiche. Mi posso occupare di: gestione apiario, allevamento di regine, elaborazione della cera, scheda CF, formazioni per apicoltori, formazioni per tecnici apistici, tutto quello che riguarda la estrazione e confezionamento del miele, nomadismo, servizi d’impollinazione, consulenze nel settore di “apicoltura e sviluppo sostenibile” (ho lavorato con diverse organizzazioni).

    Ho buone abilità informatiche, sono in grado di fare lavori pesanti in apiario e parlo inglese e italiano (a livello principiante).

    In definitiva: sto cercando lavoro in Italia.

    Per avere maggiori informazioni su di me potete contattare l’apicoltore Peter Petrov al cellulare 3284643598 (Ho lavorato in Italia l’anno scorso)oppure mi potete contattare per richiedere il Curriculum Vitae.

    [email protected]

    Grazie per dedicarmi il vostro tempo!

    Cell phone: +8801726012151
    Chittagong, Bangladesh

  • Egregio Santapan:

    Buona fortuna trovare lavoro!


  • Santapan Barua

    Ciao Sott,

    Grazie per il tuo messaggio. Mi aiutare per un lavoro in Italia in ogni apiario. Mi piace molto Italia. Ho fatto il lavoro di un apicoltore nel 2011 in Italia. È bello un paese in Europa. Il posto migliore per apicoltura.

    Hanno una buona fortuna.


  • Jessika Klaus

    Hello, I am looking for a farm with beekeeping and gardening… , where I can wwoof, working for free food and bed. I am 39, female and teacher at a Montessorischool.I Have some experiences on organic farms in Germany and Switzerland. For 2 months I have special vacations.
    I heared about a nice farm in Piedmont.
    Please let me know, if there is an opportunity in September and October 2015.
    Thanks a lot, jessika

  • Dears,

    Please let me know if any beekeeper would like to have a new partner.
    I am able not only to do any bee-farming physical activities but also able to do investment in very – small scale.

    Interested persons are welcome to contact me for more information.

    Best regards,


  • Romeo E. Daleon Jr.

    Hello, I am Filipino 4 years experience in beekeeping industry, Now, I am looking for work in abroad as beekeeper I am a hardworking, competent, flexible, ready to work under pressure and willing to relocate. Please pm me thru my email [email protected] and contact 6309062094691 for my credencials and more information

  • Thom Haines

    Hello, Hello. Is this web-site still active??

  • Hi Thom:
    I have taken a hiatus from the site, but continue to monitor it and ensure it is working with the idea of coming back at some point.

  • Geri Brown

    I am visiting Rome first week of September. Looking for local bee farm to visit for interest.

  • Habib jahantigh

    I have a master’s degree in honey bee nutrition and breeding.i have about 30years of partical experience working in the farm and bee researc centers.preparing an auxiliary diet to stimulate growth at the beginning of the breeding season,as well as extracting honey bee venom and other bee products to treat many diseases such as ;M.S.(multiple sclorosis),etc….is part of my experience.i would like to know if you are a member of the beekeeper’s union i will cooperate in the large beekeeping farm.i iam wiling to work for a lower salary than local experts.
    Please let me if you or other beekeepers agree so that i can take action.

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